How Build Aviator can wow your client!

Image of a client report on blue background.

When you decide to put your company forward for a new project it’s easy to become nervous and eager. It’s an apprehensive time as you want to win the work. It’s a waiting game which raises feelings of fear and worry. You start to panic that you’re tender isn’t as impressive, accurate or detailed as your competitors. Well, what if I told you we’d found a solution that allows you to provide your prospective client with the most comprehensive and effective quote possible? 

Build Aviator are the UK’s leading estimating service and are here to ensure you wow your client and differentiate yourself from the competition.

Our service provides you with a selection of bespoke documents for you and your client, including product summaries, bills of quantities and pricing sheets. These documents are created by our ex-trade experts who all have experience in the construction industry and understand just how important having accurate costs and meeting deadlines are. They work with you and use your company rates, markups and margins to assure your price is right and your quote is personalised. Want to personalise your quote further? Not a problem, we can add your company logo, free of charge, to all your documents. Our variety of detailed client documents ensure you deliver your customer the highest possible quality quote. 

Our services provide you with the most accurate and detailed pricing which make sure you stand out from the competition.

The documents prepared use Saint Gobain’s live price profile so you know that the prices and materials included are the most up to date and accurate on the market. You will receive a work and payment schedule which ensures you and your project are organised. These documents allow you to pre-plan where, when and who will be on-site which enables you to plan and organise yourself and your project. In addition to this, you will also receive a written client quotation which breaks the project down simply and clearly into different sections. This quote is written in plain English, so it’s easy for your client to understand, and doesn’t exclude any key or important information.

Creating these documents yourself could take you weeks but our experts are able to complete them for you in a flash, working with you to meet your tender deadline. 

Build Aviator are here to provide you with the most efficient estimating service. We work with you to ensure you submit an impressive quote to your customer and put the awe in awesome! To find out more about our services, visit our website!

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