Build Aviator Blog – September 2020

At Build Aviator our main priority is always to help support you. We never want the day to day management of projects to hinder you in providing a great service for your clients, and we know in these unprecedented times that may seem harder than ever.

That’s why throughout March-August we continued to support you with a diversified package of extra support to keep you going. We kept our estimating team running, and offered you a basic version of our service completely free of charge, which provided you with a full Bill of Quantities for your job.

Nothing makes us happier than to hear that this extra support is helping, and over the last month we have continued to receive endless messages highlighting the difference this has made to all of you. Keep your eyes peeled as throughout the next month we will be showcasing this on our social media.

At Build Aviator we know your time is priceless. This is why our job is to take the hassle out of your projects. We know that life is for living, and your time is best spent doing what you love. So over the next month we want to hear from you, telling us how you have enjoyed the extra time we have helped you save.

Whether it’s a trip out with friends or family, a chance to have an early night in or even time spent on personal projects, we would love to hear (and see) all about it! You can do this by commenting – or better still – posting a photo on our social media channels, telling and showing us yourself enjoying this priceless free time.

And to say thanks, you will automatically be entered with a chance to win this month’s prize giveaway bundle! These include a Stanley Knife, Stanley Blades, a Bahco Handsaw, a Bahco Screwdriver Set, Novipro Gloves and a Novipro Tape Measure!

We look forward to hearing from you.

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